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Wearing White

White dress. White veil. Is it just tradition or is it supposed to mean something?

Hey GEM girls! Have you ever been to a wedding? Everyone is dressed up for the occasion, the venue is decorated, and you can feel the excitement in the air. As soon as the music starts all other noise lowers to a hush and the bridesmaids and groomsmen walk down the aisle. But that’s not what everyone came to see. Nope, they are all waiting for the bride, dressed in white. As soon as her song starts, all the guests peer down the aisle waiting for their first glimpse of her. And from the moment the doors open, and she takes her first step, it seems as though now, the wedding really has begun.

Ok, we get it. White dress, white veil, it’s all traditional, fine, and good. But is there a hidden meaning? The color white symbolizes purity and innocence. Brides have traditionally worn white because it represents a new beginning and testifies that she is truly pure and innocent. Purity is not something we can fix or change with just a white dress. But why is it such a big deal? According to, purity is freedom from anything that debases, contaminates, or pollutes. So, in order for us to be pure, our minds and our hearts have to be free from any of these things.

You might be thinking, “Yeah, I get it, from the time I meet ‘the one’ and throughout our happily ever after, I have to be faithful and pure for him.” But that’s not what the Bible says. This might surprise you, but in Proverbs 31:12 the Bible is describing a virtuous wife or an ideal woman and it says, “She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.” Did you catch that? All the days of her life. Now don’t get after me for it because I didn’t say it, God did. What is that supposed to even mean? Well, our hearts are fragile, and whether you’ll admit it or not, it’s true. Each time we ‘fall in love’ we give away a piece of our hearts. Breaking up always hurts, but we tell ourselves we’ll eventually recover and soon we’re out there again, looking for ‘the one’. But all this searching, dating, and breaking up really takes a toll on us, emotionally and physically. Our hearts weren’t made to be divided up between guys. God uniquely made them to be given to one person; the person He has for you.

Over the past few years I’ve had to constantly remind myself of this verse, and I’ll be the first to admit, it’s not easy. Living God’s way is hard, but when God gives a command, He also gives you the power to follow through. Purity is not something we just have. It’s not just our virginity, first kiss, or first date. Purity is a lifestyle, a decision, it’s something that affects our everyday lives.

Maybe you’ve made some choices that have made you think that you have ‘lost’ your purity or innocence. By God's grace, purity is not something you just lose and can never recover. God can erase your past and renew your heart to be pure again. But like I said, it’s a choice, and lifestyle. There is redemption, but you have to be willing to live in freedom and choose moment by moment to be pure.

One thing that has really changed my perspective is this thought, “Everyone around you is someone's future spouse.” Another way to think about this was perfectly explained by Girl Defined. They challenged young women to be this kind of girl:

She is the type of girl who views all Christian guys as her brothers-in-Christ. She views them as valuable humans created by God for a specific purpose. She views them as fellow Christians and saints who are servants of God just like herself. She views them as future leaders, husbands, and fathers of the next generation.


Take this quote and put it somewhere where you will see it every day. Live the lifestyle of Proverbs 31:12. Then, on your wedding day, you can shamelessly wear white, knowing all that it means and knowing that you are truly pure! Let’s all be this type of girl!

Love and Prayers,

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1 Comment

Unknown member
Mar 09, 2023

Awesome thoughts!!! ❤️🙏 Really good quotes too!! Thank you for sharing this!! 😊

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