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The fireplace is crackling... it's time for a mini testimony!

Hey GEM Girls! Here's a little testimony I want to share with you all!

A couple of weeks ago, I was becoming very distracted--not from my studies or cello practice, but from God. This fall, I will be heading to college, and thoughts about social life, academics, and music were constantly swirling around my head. Although I would pray now and then, I would have a lot more fun texting or calling friends than reading God's Word. I didn't think reading the Bible was as fun as spending time with friends or thinking about college.

However, all those things never filled me permanently. I had this empty feeling inside and kept yearning for more and more, envying others on social media for having fun with friends and having a "perfect" life. Now, I know this sounds very cliche, but I clearly remember thinking, "Man, why don't I feel happy? This is so frustrating!" I felt so down that I poured out my heart to my mom (with many tears) at around one or two AM (oops). I'll never forget what she said (and I truly hope this moves your heart as well). She told me that Jesus was patiently waiting for me. He wasn't angry because I didn't do my devotions; instead, He was just anxiously waiting for me to return to Him, just like the prodigal son's father was. Even if I was the only person who sinned, Jesus would still come down and sacrifice Himself for the saving of my soul. She lovingly told me that it was never too late to go to Christ.

These words were like refreshing water to my thirsty soul. I was touched by His love for someone like me, someone who sins so much and is so self-centered. I tearfully prayed and asked for forgiveness, yearning to truly follow Him and seek Him first. I felt this amazing peace and felt overwhelmed by the grace God showed me. I neglected Him so many times, but even during those times, He was so faithful to me--He was always there, arms outstretched with an anxious expression, one that parents wear when their child isn't doing well.

Everyone experiences ups and downs in their walks with the Lord--it's a normal part of life because we live in a sinful world. The important thing is to rise up again after falling (through His grace), just as King David did. Although he sinned a lot (just like we do), He always went back to God with a contrite heart. And every time, God responded with showers of His love, forgiveness, and grace. I still have ups and downs, but now I know that the important thing is to always return to Jesus, for He will willingly and joyfully forgive.

Another point I want to highlight is God's love. Because I grew up as an SDA, sometimes hearing that God loved me was almost like hearing that the sky was blue. In a way, I became desensitized and didn't truly think about it. But God poured out all of heaven just to save us undeserving, sinful humans! And He isn't a God who sternly checks to make sure everyone did their devotions. Instead, He just wants us to spend time with Him because that is the best for us--by beholding Jesus, we will become more like Him. God just wants us, His children, to be happy. How caring is our Savior!

I truly hope and pray that for anyone that is experiencing a valley in their walk with Jesus right now is encouraged! You are a precious, precious daughter of Christ. Run to Jesus just as you are! To quote the words of Ellen White,

"Jesus loves to have us come to Him just as we are, sinful, helpless, dependent. We may come with all our weakness, our folly, our sinfulness, and fall at His feet in penitence. It is His glory to encircle us in the arms of His love and to bind up our wounds, to cleanse us from all impurity."

-Steps to Christ, pg 52

If you would like prayer about this (or about anything in general), head over to the Sisterhood Community and to the group "Let's Pray!" and post your prayer request there! You can even say, "I have a silent prayer request!" We'd love to pray for you; we all know what it's like to experience downs in our walks with Jesus and want to encourage you!

Lots of love,

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1 Comment

Unknown member
May 26, 2024

Thank you Chloe, this was really an encouragement for me.

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