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The Time is Now

Your chores still need to be done, there's homework and school projects to work on, and an endless list of tasks that you need to accomplish. "Oh, if only I hadn't put this off until later," you say as you desperately try get everything done on time- and accurately.

Hey GEM girls! Have you ever been in this situation? Sometimes it's easy to put things off until later. It's also easy to get caught up into the business of life and forget the things that are really important.

Sometimes it seems like a good idea to put tasks off until the last minute. "Oh, it's not due until next week! I'll do it then," or, "There will be plenty of time to do that later," or, "Tomorrow will be a better time to do it." I'll admit it, I do this a lot! But honestly, why should we put off until later what we could do right now? When later comes around, it turns into now. So, later never really comes.

One of the things that's also easy to put off is quality time with God. He wants us to come closer to Him and to know Him better. We shouldn't put off the work of forsaking the things that threaten our Christian walk. Every delay to yield to the voice of Jesus is working against us. If we do not take steps to overcome our faults and weaknesses, they will eventually overcome us.

God understands human hearts, and He knows that it's sometimes hard to let go of the things that separate us from Him. But yet, He is very patient and loving, because He truly wants us to be saved. It's not too late!

"Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth." -Proverbs 27:1. Why wait until later? Later may never come. The time is now!

Keep an eye on the Sisterhood Community, there will be a poll about this soon! 😊


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1 Comment

Unknown member
Oct 30, 2022

Procrastination is so real! And it's worse when we put off the things of God. Thank you Elizabeth for this reminder!

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