"If only I hadn't done that one thing, how much different would this situation be?"
Hey GEM girls! Have you ever thrown a rock into a lake or creek? You've probably noticed the ripples that are created just after it hits the water. These ripples have a spreading and continuous effect.
In official terms, this is called the ripple effect. It's described as "a spreading, pervasive, and usually unintentional effect or influence." How does this apply to us?
The decisions we make today will have an effect on the rest of our lives. Let's think about the story of Jacob, for example. Do you remember when Esau sold his birthright to his brother Jacob for a meal of bread and lentils? Later on, when their father Isaac was ready to give the birthright blessing to Esau, Rebekah and Jacob came up with a plan to obtain the birthright. Jacob followed through with it, and he obtained the birthright- through trickery. But his actions didn't come without a cost.
When Esau found out what Jacob had done, he was angry- very angry, to the point where he wanted to kill Jacob. For his safety, Jacob had to run away from his home and family. He went to live with his brother, Laban. His life wasn't easy there, either. As a result of his decisions, Jacob never saw his mother again.
Small decisions in our lives can have big consequences, as well. Perhaps you said something you shouldn't have and started an argument. Maybe you decide to take a certain class at school that opens up more opportunities for you in other places. Or maybe you shared something about Jesus that inspired someone else to have a closer relationship with Him.
In whatever we do, we should be mindful of our actions and what their effects may be. We can choose our actions, but we can't pick our consequences.
"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap."
-Galatians 6:7
How have you observed the ripple effect in your life? Were the consequences good or bad? Let us know down in the comments!