Our world today seems to be addicted to electronics and the internet...
Hey GEM girls! Just the other day I was in a restaurant with my family, and I noticed another family sitting across from us. The two teens were on their cellphones, the baby was on an iPad, and the parents were also on their phones. It made me sad because here was a perfect opportunity for the family to be spending time with each other, but they were on their electronics instead.
Then there are those who are texting as they walk. There was a teen walking across the street with their Air Pods in their ears and their phone in their hand. They never looked up once.
Sadly, teenagers tend to be glued to their devices for longer than their parents or even grandparents. In 2019, the average screen time per day for teens was 7 hours. Seven hours is a lot of time, considering all the different things we can do in that time frame that doesn't involve electronics.
If you have found yourself trapped in the endless hamster wheel of the internet, don't despair. There are many tips and tricks you can implement in your daily life to help decrease your internet usage.
Go on a social media cleanse. Basically, stay away from your computer or phone for a set amount of time. It can be for a day, a week, or even a month.
Disable notifications. This is a great tip because without your phone dinging every three seconds, you'll be less apt to constantly pick up your phone to check your socials or text messages.
Set a time limit on your phone. If it is for a mindless entertainment app, a good time limit to set is 15-30 minutes. (or you could just delete it 😉)
Dedicate time to family, hobbies, and Bible study.
Designate a "no phone zone" in your home. In my home, we have a rule that no phones are allowed at the kitchen table, so everyone can eat peacefully and spend time with each other face-to-face.
Get an accountability partner. Pick someone, whether it is a sibling or a parent to keep you accountable with your screen time.
GEM girls, have you ever fallen into the social media slump? Let me know in the comments!
With love,