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Sinking Sand

Is sand a solid foundation?

Hey GEM girls! Have you ever stood at the edge of the ocean before? It's so nice feeling the water wash over your feet, feeling your feet sink deeper into the sand with each wave.

There are a couple of lessons we can draw from this scenario. Maybe you've heard about how we as Christians shouldn't build our house upon the sand; instead we should build our houses upon the Rock. What exactly does this mean though?

In our lives on this earth, we have to choose our foundation, or the things we want our lives to be focused around. A Christ-centered life gives us a solid foundation. In Matthew 6:19-20 it says: "But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

I've heard quite often that the only thing we can take to heaven with us is people. And it's so true! Too many times we give too much time and attention to things that aren't as important on making sure that we have a firm foundation in Christ. These distractions can be anything from social media to even work! While many of these things aren't bad, they can all become a sandy foundation in our Christian experience if we aren't careful.

When standing on the edge of the ocean, it didn't necessarily seem like I was on a faulty foundation when the waves weren't washing over my feet. But when the waves did come, little by little the sand underneath my feet began to wash away. This is similar to what happens to us when we aren't firmly grounded on the Rock. When our foundations are set on anything other than Christ, it may seem like we are okay then. But when the waves of trials and temptations wash over us, we will find our seemingly firm foundation beginning to wash away.

What is your foundation? Are you building on Jesus, the Rock of Ages? Or have you been building your foundation on the sinking sand of distractions? Sometimes we may slip and fall, but Jesus will always be there to guide us back on to the right path.

This reminds me of the chorus of the song My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less:

On Christ the solid Rock I stand

All other ground is sinking sand

All other ground is sinking sand

What are some practical ways to make sure we stay on Christ's firm foundation? Don't be afraid to share in the comments!


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