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As Christians, we've heard about the story of the life and death of Jesus many times.

Hey GEM girls! Well, it's Easter time again! When a lot of people think of Easter, they think of eggs, bunnies, and other things. Common customs and traditions mask the reality of what really happened during this time of year long ago. Setting those customs and traditions aside, it's especially a good time to look back and contemplate the sacrifice Jesus made for our sins.

When Adam and Eve sinned, God had a plan to redeem us. All hope was not lost, there was still a solution (Gen. 3:15). God chose to send His only Son into this world to become the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. But unlike when Adam and Eve first sinned, there was no backup plan this time. If Jesus failed, all hope of redemption for mankind would be lost. Satan knew this well and tried everything he could to get Jesus to make a mistake. But Jesus endured every trial, every heartache, every burden- all because of the unending love He has for us.

As I contemplate this story, I think of my life. When faced with something I'd rather not experience, I think of Jesus' life. What has He gone through so that I could be saved from the wages of sin- death? I look at the thing I'm dealing with, then I look at the things Jesus dealt with. My struggles don't compare to the struggles Jesus went through. Looking at things this way gives me the strength to know that Jesus went through these struggles to help us through ours.

How have you been able to find strength and encouragement through Jesus' story? Let us know in the comments!❤️


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