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I Killed an Ant.

Okay... so what's killing an ant got to do with anything?

Hey GEM Girls! That was an awfully weird title. But yes, I did kill an ant. Pretty significant, huh?

I was busily studying chemistry until I noticed a microscopic ant strolling towards my book on the table. I immediately killed it, not thinking much of it. But after a few moments, I started to reflect on my rash move.

Why was I so willing and eager to kill the ant? I tried to justify my action by thinking about how annoying its presence was. However, the ant did nothing at all to me. It hadn't pinched me, eaten my food, or crawled around on my hand. I had just taken its life right when I saw it wasn't in its natural habitat. Some of you may understand the struggle I was having, but others may think I've lost my mind.

But the reason why I was thinking those thoughts wasn't completely because I felt bad for the ant. Instead, I started to connect that situation to God's love. You see, all of us are like that ant, except an infinite number of times smaller in God's eyes. Because of our sinful nature, we sometimes wander away from God and hurt Him with our sins. However, God doesn't look at us with fierce anger in His eyes, His arm ready to strike us--never! He is the exact opposite. God looks upon us tenderly with great mercy and love, and desires more than anything to save us. He wants to rescue us from going down the wrong path that leads to death. That's why Jesus was more than willing to give up everything, come down to this miserable planet, suffer unjust hatred, and die a shameful and painful death for us undeserving humans. And He did all that because of His love for you and me. What a God we serve!

Ellen White beautifully reminds us in her book Steps to Christ, "Jesus loves to have us come to Him just as we are, sinful, helpless, dependent. We may come with all our weakness, our folly, our sinfulness, and fall at His feet in penitence. It is His glory to encircle us in the arms of His love and to bind up our wounds, to cleanse us from all impurity" (White 52).

So as you continue on with your day, I invite you to take some time to reflect on God's love for you. And if you think you are like that ant and are straying away from Jesus, I want to encourage you to go to Him, just as you are! He will always receive you with loving, open arms.

Have you ever been reminded of God's character and His love through nature, your own daily routines, or even through someone else? If you have, share your story in the comments below!

Lots of Love,

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1 Comment

Unknown member
Sep 24, 2023

Love this post, my sister!! 💖 what a beautiful reminder!!! And the quote- I can't read it without hearing the song!!! 🥰

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