"Well, God, that's not the answer I was expecting..."

Hey GEM girls! Has God ever answered your prayers and the answer was quite different from what you thought it would be?
A few weeks ago, I had a situation where I was praying for God to specifically show me something. In my mind, though, I already had made up my mind about all the things I would and wouldn't do, and exactly how I was going to do it. Then God gave me the answer, and it was absolutely unquestionable. But it wasn't the answer I was expecting- at all. I couldn't see the reasons for it, and I couldn't understand why God would want me to do such a thing. From my perspective, it made absolutely no sense.
But after a few days of fighting, I finally surrendered. I had decided to set aside my own agenda and accept God's answer to my situation, even though I couldn't see all of the reasons behind it.
Sometimes in our prayers, we can end up in a situation like this. We want God to lead and guide us in our choices, yet we're serving God with our own agenda. How can God give us something better when we're not willing to let go of the things we already have?
Later on, I found out (at least some of the reasons) why God asked me to do this specific thing. It turns out that lots of those things would not have happened if I had stuck to my own agenda and had not been willing to yield to God's voice.
God knows what's best for us, and sometimes He's just waiting for us to yield to His voice.
"Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!" -Psalms 27:14
Have you ever had a similar experience? How did you get through it? Let us know in the comments! Also, if you have anything you'd like to see a post on, don't be afraid to let us know!💕

This is so relatable!!
I went through this experience recently as well. I was praying and asking God for His guidance as to where I should go to school (with my own mind quite made up), but when I received an answer (after finally and repeatedly surrendering), I became upset. I later realized that He actually was leading me, and that He wanted me to spread His love to others! So we should never doubt God, and always give our wills to Him!! 💗💕
Thank you so much for this Elizabeth! I have currently been going through a time where it’s been difficult to see where God is leading. So remembering to be still and be patient with His timing has been a lesson I have been learning. Thank you! 🌺🤗💕