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Different Speeds, Same Destination

Updated: Jul 26, 2022

It's a beautiful summer day, and you decide to go hiking along with some friends. The trail is especially steep. After a while, you're all out of breath, and everyone seems to be walking faster than you. "Oh no," you say to yourself. "I'm so out of shape. I'd better try to walk faster before everyone notices I've fallen behind."

Hey GEM girls! Have you ever been in this situation- or a similar one? I love hiking, and I took away this nature lesson while hiking with a group of friends- in a thunderstorm. (Which was awesome, by the way 😆)

In our walk with God, sometimes we may come across people that seem to be doing more- or less- than ourselves. Does that mean that they are somehow better than us?

In life, you may become frustrated because others can do things that you can't do or because it seems like others are doing "more important" things for God than you are. But that shouldn't be something you worry about. God created us all to be unique. No one person is exactly the same as another, and some people are better at some things than others.

God sees the little things we do. Others may not see our faithful efforts, but God does.

When you're hiking, you usually have a destination. It is the same with our walk (or hike) with God. Our goal is to get to heaven and spend eternity with Jesus. Is the walk going to be easy? Of course not! Some people have more strength to endure things, than others.

Whether we're doing one thing or many things for God, if you are doing something for His glory, that's all that matters. 😊

Stay positive!


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Unknown member
Jul 10, 2022

Thank Elizabeth for the reminder that we are each on our own journey, and we are all walking at different speeds. We have to remember not to compare ourselves to others, but to focus on Jesus!


Unknown member
Jul 10, 2022

I love this, Elizabeth! It's so true. Sometimes we can be pressured to keep up with others or slow down but I think it's so important for us to recognize our differences and our unique paces.


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