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Dealing With Bullies

Have you ever been bullied?

Hey GEM girls! I've been bullied quite a lot in the past, and it's never a good feeling. Bullies can be really mean, and it can be hard, especially when you're bullied for things you don't really have power over. How can we deal with these kinds of people in God's kind and loving spirit while still standing up for ourselves and our beliefs?

People may bully you for things like your facial features, hair, voice, or other things. They might also bully you because of something about you. The person might be jealous of your success in school, your family, or just who you are as a person. And sometimes you might seem like you're being bullied "just because".

There have been quite a few instances of bullying in the Bible. In fact, Jesus Himself was bullied. Think about it. He was kind, gracious, and compassionate, and His heart was full of love for mankind. He was a perfect picture of perfection. But yet, his bullies followed Him around just waiting for the opportunity to point out something negative or confrontational.

So, back to our main question. How do we deal with bullies? Here are some things I'm learning:

It's okay to be different. You may be bullied for this, but God made us all different for a reason. How boring this world would be if we were all the same! No, you might not fit into the typical stereotype of today's society, but that's perfectly fine. Sometimes it's hard to grasp, but God intended for it to be that way.

God loves them too. It's easy to get upset (or sad) at those who bully us sometimes, but God loves them too, and only wants the best for all of us. As Christians, we should also show love and kindness towards them even if they aren't nice to us.

God is fighting for us. It might seem like you're all alone fighting up against something that seems too big to conquer, but God's got your back. He's fighting for you, and He will help you in these challenging situations.

"The Lord is my strength and my song; he has given me victory." -Psalms 118:14

How have you been able to overcome bullies in your life? Let us know in the comments!


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