Have you ever felt that you needed to do something big and important to honor God?
Hey GEMgirls! I used to feel like the mundane things of life weren’t important or useful in honoring God. Doing my homework, helping my mom clean the house, going grocery shopping, it all didn’t feel very “mission-like”. I felt like I had to be a student missionary, or join a mission project in a foreign country to feel like I was spreading God’s word and honoring Him with my time and energy. But here’s the good news. You don’t have to be a missionary to another country to become closer to God and build your character.
Often, we like to think that the last three years of Jesus’ life were the most important ones in His ministry. They were, but His first thirty years were equally important as well. In these thirty long years, He learned from His parents, learned object lessons in nature, and worked as a humble carpenter. These were the years that formed and shaped Him to have a powerful ministry later on in life. Here is a snapshot of Jesus’ early life from "The Story of Jesus", by Ellen White.
"Jesus lived in the home of a peasant, a poor man. Faithfully and cheerfully He did His part in helping to support the family. As soon as He was old enough, He learned a trade, and worked in the carpenter's shop with Joseph. SJ 34.4
In the coarse dress of a common laborer He passed through the streets of the little town, going to and from His work. He did not use His divine power to make His life easier for Himself. SJ 34.5
As Jesus worked in childhood and youth, He grew strong in body and mind. He tried to use all His powers in such a way as to keep them in health, that He might do the best work in every line. SJ 34.6
Whatever He did was done well. He wanted to be perfect, even in the handling of tools. By His example He taught that we ought to be industrious, that we should do our work carefully and well, and that such work is honorable. All should find something to do that will be helpful to themselves and to others. SJ 34.7
God gave us work as a blessing, and He is pleased with children who cheerfully take their part in the duties of the household, sharing the burdens of father and mother. Such children will go out from the home to be a blessing to others. SJ 35.1
The youth who try to please God in all that they do, who do right because it is right, will be useful in the world. By being faithful in a humble place they are fitting themselves for a higher position." SJ 35.2
These lines shed light on the feelings of unimportance I had been putting on my daily life. As we pray, read the Bible, help others and spread God’s word where we are, it is as important as the missionary in a far off country.
Thanks milana! I needed that uplifting information. I often worry that what I am doing in my life isn’t enough for God. Ellen White has some truly amazing quote!