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Burnt Cookies

Have you ever tried to rush something that you felt needed to happen quickly and in your timing?

Hey GEM girls! Sometimes we feel like rushing through our tasks will make them be finished faster. Okay, well, it may get done faster, but that doesn't mean it will be done well. Sometimes I do this with homework, cleaning, or other projects. Maybe you have too.

One afternoon, I was warming up frozen cookies in the oven. I didn't feel like waiting around, since I had other things to do, so I turned the oven up to 450F. (In most situations, you shouldn't reheat foods at a high temperature!) A few minutes later, the kitchen began filling with smoke. I immediately knew what happened. The cookies were blacker than black! I laugh at this now, but then it wasn't that funny.

Sometimes, we try to rush things that we think need to happen now. Like the cookies in my situation, they don't always come out the way we want them to.

God promised Abraham that he would give him a son and make him a father of many nations. Abraham believed the promise. But there was a delay. He and Sarah, his wife, were up in age now, and Sarah thought it was impossible for her to bear children. She suggested that Abraham marry Hagar, their maid, so that the son God had promised could be born through her. He agreed.

Abraham did end up having a son through Hagar, but it was not the one promised by God. Later, after Sarah did have a son, Isaac (she gave birth to him when she was ninety years old!), Hagar and Ishmael became jealous when Isaac was born and caused trouble within the family. Abraham eventually had to send them away. They had tried to rush God's plan, and things just didn't work out. It only caused trouble in the end. But God still blessed Abraham and fulfilled his promise to him, regardless of his mistakes. You can read more about the story in Genesis 15- 17, and 21.

Sometimes, we may think that God will give us everything we want just when we want it and when we ask for it, but that's not how it works. God's timing isn't always our timing. He knows what is best for us, although it may be difficult to wait sometimes.

God always answers our prayers, even though his answer may not always be yes. He may say no sometimes. You might not see the point of waiting, but eventually you'll realize that God knew all along what he was doing. 😊

Have you ever been in a situation that you had to wait for what seemed like forever? Let me know in the comments below.


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1 Comment

Unknown member
Oct 15, 2022

Love this! Sometimes the answers to our prayers just don’t come as soon as we’d like them to but faith is what helps us wait. I’m still currently waiting for an answer but I know that when the time is right, God will answer.

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