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Against the Current

Have you ever tried to walk or swim against the current of a river or other body of water?

Hey GEM girls! Attempting to wade or swim upstream is quite a bit harder than going downstream. Similarly, when we choose to go against God’s ideal for us, life becomes harder in a way. What does this mean, though?

A lot of times, Satan tries to make it seem like the things of this world will give us true happiness, peace, and freedom. It’s so easy nowadays to get caught up in things like comparing ourselves to others, worrying about things in our lives, unforgiveness, or whatever it might be. However, Satan wants us to get caught up in all of these things, and it often seems like his way is easier. But when we fall into this trap, we are drawn away from the happiness, peace, and freedom we find in Jesus.

This past summer, I found myself worrying (way more than I should have) about a certain situation. It was distracting me from what I should have been focusing on. I would often remember and come across Bible verses that would remind me not to worry and that everything would be under God’s control. But way too often, I would find myself questioning God. “Why did you let that happen? Is it really going to be alright? Why is this so hard?”

After a week or so of wrestling with this situation, I finally came to the realization that I needed to let it go. I was spending way too much time worrying about the situation, and it was taking over my life. Sure, it was a big issue, but worrying about it wasn’t helping- at all. So I chose to let it go. I told God that I didn’t want to stress about it anymore and that I wanted to give everything to Him. It was then that I found peace, and it felt so good to give it all over to God and to choose to let go.

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” ~Matthew 11:28-30

God doesn’t want us to be so caught up in other things that we lose the happiness, peace, and freedom that we find through living in Jesus. He doesn’t want us to suffer unnecessarily. If there’s anything you’re worrying about or getting distracted by, talk to God about it. We can find true peace by handing everything over to God and following His leading.

Do you have a similar story? How did you overcome? Don’t be afraid to let us know in the comments! 😊


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