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Meet the Team

Who is behind GEM girls?


Founder &  Advisor

Hey there! I am a teen girl, daughter, friend, mentor, babysitter, and pet lover. I love to bake, cook, sew, act, and read. Most of all, I love to lead others closer to Jesus. I hope GEM girls will be instrumental in your walk with God!

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Co-Founder & Blog Editor

Hey friends! I'm just an ordinary teen girl... I love to read, write, sing, play guitar & piano, bake, travel, study, and spread God's love! I'm excited to be working with GEM girls and I hope you'll be blessed!

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Community Leader

Hi there! I’m a teen missionary in Belize. I love hanging out with and ministering to the girls in the village near me. I also enjoy giving Bible studies to girls who want to learn more about God. Some of my hobbies are art, music, and photography. I hope GEM girls will be a blessing to you!

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Hey! I'm a daughter of God (and so are you)! I love to play the cello, sing, read, talk with friends, meet new people, eat amazing food, and spend time with God. My desire is to grow in Christ and fulfill the Great Commission. I hope and pray that GEM girls serves as an encouragement to your spiritual walk and reminds you of His great love for you!


Podcast Co-Host

Hey there, I'm just a regular, everyday teen girl. I love to hike, swim, sing, play violin, and skateboard. But most of all, I love helping others and bringing them closer to Christ. I hope GEM Girls is a blessing to you!

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