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Chosen to be Different

Updated: Mar 26, 2023

Have you ever felt like the outsider in your friend group? Almost like you don't belong or that there's a clear separation between you and your friends? There might've been instances in your life where your beliefs stood out or you felt like you were on one of those dark stages in front of a large audience with a single beam shining on you. Some people call it "peculiar" or "outlandish" but in our Christian community, we call it "chosen to be different".

Hey GEM girls! If you have felt this way before, don't worry. It's a good thing. It's your emotional intelligence is telling you that you're different and that you know you're different. In this secular world, it's a true blessing since we're walking the path God intended us to. We were never meant to be a part of the "crowd", "go with the flow" and "follow the norm". We were born to stand out. Yes, I know it's cliché, but we should see it as an honor!

God picked us by hand, chose us and placed us in an environment where He knew we could make a difference and shine our beautiful light onto someone who has spent too much time in the dark. In 1 Peter 2:9, it says: "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light..." How wonderful is that?

You can be assured that when you are faced with oppression, with persecution, with the feeling of "standing out", you are never alone. Jesus knows what you are feeling and what you are facing. Remember, He hung alone on the cross. So, when you feel alone, remember, God is with you every step of the way cheering you on and watching you proudly as you do what He always wanted you to do. So today, tomorrow, and all throughout your life remember: you were chosen to be different and that is part of your identity in Jesus!

Let me know down in the comments a time where you got the chance to share God's word or when you felt like you stood out!


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Unknown member
Jul 26, 2022

This is so true. It is so easy to feel different if your are surrounded by people who don't exactly have the same values as you.


Unknown member
Jul 25, 2022

Thanks Elsa for the great reminder that we ARE different and that we should not be ashamed to shine our lights for Jesus! ❤️

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